
We depend totally upon your donations to meet our financial obligations. 

If you are already donating online or mailing in your donations, thank you for your generosity! If you are not, please do! It is easy to donate online: Click here to register for Electronic Giving or you can mail or drop off your collections to the Parish Office. We need you! Please donate today. Let it be a reflection of your love for our parish and gratitude for all the blessings God has showered upon you!  

Cash and/or checks are always accepted and most appreciated.

Click here to register for Electronic Giving, or you can find forms in the Narthex of the Church and in the Parish Center. If you are a new parishioner, a form is provided in your Welcome packet.

  • Weekly Envelopes are provided to our registered parishioners. If you wish to register, please either e-mail Brian Smith, Parish Manager, at or call (813) 961-3023.
  • Not a parishioner? Whether you are just visiting or have not yet made the decision to join St. Paul’s, there are Welcome envelopes available to you in the Narthex of the Church and in the pews.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer – For those parishioners who prefer the convenience of electronic funds transfers, we are providing the option to have your stewardship contributions automatically transferred from your bank account to St. Paul. Once you sign up for the service, the amount you designate will be automatically transferred from your account once or twice a month, whichever is more convenient for you. By the way, if you wish to help the environment and save our trees, you can request that we no longer send you weekly envelopes.
  • Major Credit Card – You can authorize your VISA account on a monthly basis to make a contribution on the 15th or end of the month. You need to complete an authorization form at the parish office.
  • Online Banking through your own bank.

For more information, please contact:
Brian Smith, Parish Manager
(813) 961-3023