St. Paul Catholic Church welcomes all families to participate in ongoing, lifelong Faith Formation
Our goal is to ensure that our children in public school receive the same or better quality faith formation as those enrolled in our Catholic Schools or who are homeschooled. In order to better serve our working families, we have restructured the times for Faith Formation.
Registration forms are available below in both English and Spanish. If you have a Google Account, you may scan the QR code below to register online:

Registration is ongoing for Faith Formation Classes for the 2023 – 2024 school year. Children attend a Faith Formation class once a week during the course of the school year. We offer the following choices for class times each week as listed below:
10:15am- 11:30am
Grades K-5 meet in the Parish Center
RCIA for Children
4:15pm- 5:30pm
Grades K-5 meet in the Parish Center
6:00pm- 7:15pm
Grades 6-8 meet at the Family Center
6:00pm- 7:15pm
Grades K-5 meet in the Parish Center
6:00pm- 7:15pm
Grades 6-8 meet at the Family Center
High School Confirmation Prep
RCIA for Teens
Catechists Needed
Volunteers are the heart of our Faith Formation Program. Parishioners are encouraged to please prayerfully consider sharing your faith with the children of Saint Paul. In this rewarding ministry, we need two catechists per classroom. Time spent preparing for the class will help you grow in knowledge and appreciation of your Catholic faith. No experience is necessary!! The Faith formation team supports our catechists. The materials are designed for use by volunteers.
Please call:
Faith Formation Office at
813-961-3023 or come and talk with us to sign up.
Preparing for First Communion
Children are required to complete two years of Faith Formation classes in order to make their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Children enrolled in Catholic School are asked to register for sacramental preparation sessions in their parish order to receive their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Does your child need the sacrament of baptism?
Parents who wish to have their child Baptized attend a baptism preparation class.
Please schedule the class well before your baby’s due date.
Parents are required to set up an interview with our parish Baptism Coordinator prior to signing up for Baptism classes.
Parents of children age 7 and older who need to receive the sacrament of Baptism or who are delayed in receiving their First Holy Communion or Confirmation should contact the Religious Education Office to schedule an interview with the Faith Formation Director, Carmen Cayon. She will interview the parents and child in order to determine the best placement and an individual educational plan will be developed.
Please note, the Diocese of St. Petersburg Sacramental Preparation Guidelines require two years of Faith Formation classes prior to the reception of a sacrament. For more information contact Carmen Cayon on 813-264-3337 or
RCIA Adapted for Children
- For the first year, children will attend one year of Faith Formation classes for their grade level.
- The second year, the children will attend RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) adapted for children sessions. These sessions will prepare the children for the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is adapted for youth older than 7 who are not baptized and/or older Catholic children who are baptized, but have not been catechized (instructed) or received First Communion. The RCIA process for children runs parallel to the adult process.
For more information about RCIA for Children, please contact Carmen Cayon at 813-264-3337 or email
St. Paul Faith Formation
- Supports parents who are the first and foremost teachers of the Faith and offers classes designed to complement and foster the faith formation that begins at home.
- Provides developmentally appropriate religious formation and education for all school-age children, grades K – 12.
- Recognizes that all children should attend Faith Formation classes as well as weekly Masses with their family.
- Catechists help children grow in their relationship with Jesus and their knowledge and understanding of Scripture, Prayer, Liturgy, and Church teachings.
- Offers sacramental preparation classes, retreats, and prayer services for children attending Catholic Schools, and the children receive sacraments at their home parish.
- Preparation classes for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation begin in grade seven. Please contact our Middle School Coordinator / Confirmation Coordinator, Karen LeRette, at 813-961-3023 or via email at for additional information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation for teens.