American Heritage Girls
Thank you for your interest in American Heritage Girls (AHG).
St. Anne raised Mary with such integrity that when God called on her to be the Mother of God, she had the courage to say, “Yes.” My challenge as a parent, and yours, is to raise such a woman.
The Mission of AHG is “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.” This is my hope and prayer for my own daughters. It is why I am working to bring American Heritage Girls to St. Paul’s.
As a general introduction to American Heritage Girls, I encourage you to watch the video below. It describes the “Big Picture” behind American Heritage Girls, and how it functions as an extension and invigoration of our Catholic faith.
What does that look like for YOUR daughter at St. Paul’s?
Troop Structure
The Troop is broken down into “Units” based on the ages and grades of the girls:
- Pathfinder: at least 5 years old and in Kindergarten (Girls earn beads for participation, activities, and memorizing verses and prayers)
- Tenderheart: at least 6 years old and in grades 1st-3rd (Girls begin Badge and pin work)
- Explorer: at least 9-11 years old and in grades 4th 6th
- Pioneer: at least 12 years old and in grades 7th 8th
- Patriot: at least 14 years old and in grades 9th-12th
Units work together in various capacities as a way to build Troop camaraderie as well as offer girls opportunities to grow in leadership.
Troop Meetings
We are currently planning for twice a month, roughly with the following format:
- Opening ceremony with prayer, flag ceremony, and announcements
- Unit meetings led by Unit Leaders and Assistants focusing on badge work, lessons, etc.
- Badge work is chosen by the girls together with the Unit Leader and Assistant