Couples for Christ
Couples for Christ (CFC) is an International Ministry intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. It is an association of Christian couples who have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another, so that they may grow into maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising up their families under the lordship of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God.
Couples for Christ is a work of Christ which raises up Christian couples and establishes Christian families committed to the work of evangelization and winning the world for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It grows mainly through the establishment of localized units in different parishes. Our ministries include Kids for Christ, Youth for Christ, Singles for Christ, Handmaids of the Lord, and Servants of the Lord.
In order to join CFC, you have to go through a seminar that is called the Christian Life Program (CLP). The CLP is an integrated course intended to lead the participants into a renewed understanding of God’s call for them. It is divided into three (3) modules with a total of 13 sessions. It starts with an Orientation followed by 12 sessions, which consist of a teaching and a group discussion.
CFC also sponsors Marriage Enrichment Seminars (MES) on a designated month of the year. MES provides a better understanding and appreciation of God’s plan for marriage and family life, and to reach out to couples to recommit, renew, and rekindle their marriage.