Parish News

Stations of the Cross – Fridays at 4:30pm & 7:00pm

St. Paul Catholic Church will begin offering the Stations of the Cross at 4:30pm and 7:00pm in the main church beginning Friday, March 7th. We… more

St. Paul Lenten Dinner – Every Friday During Lent

The St. Paul Lenten Dinner will be offered every Friday in Lent in the Family Center between the hours of 5pm to 7pm. more

Easter Egg Hunt Donations Needed

The Faith Formation Office is now accepting donations for the Annual St. Paul Catholic Church Easter Egg Hunt that will be held on Saturday, April… more

Towel & Sheet Drive – March 29 & 30

The Home Makers of Hope Ministry is hosting a Towel & Sheet Drive on March 29 & 30.  Please drop off your new or gently… more

Baby Bottle Boomerang

The Respect Life Ministry invites all parishioners to participate in the Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser for the Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center & Adoption Services.… more