School Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 4:00pm
Arrival: 8:10am – 8:25am
Classes begin at 8:25am. Students arriving after 8:25am are considered tardy and need to report to the Parish Center to sign in and obtain a tardy slip. Parents then will walk their child to the respective classroom.
Dismissal Carline begins at 11:30am for the 2 and 3 year old classes. Dismissal is CARLINE ONLY.
Dismissal for 4 year classes begins at 11:55am in the pavilion and at 12:00pm through carline.
**PLEASE NOTE: you will need to secure your child in their car seat before leaving the carline.
Age Requirements:
Two-year-olds…2 years old on or before September 1st
Three-year olds…3 years old on or before September 1st
Four-year olds…4 years old on or before September 1st
Preference is given to currently enrolled students and registered participating members of St. Paul Parish. Registered members of neighboring Catholic parishes and others are admitted on a space-available basis.
Proof of age is required with application. All three and four-year-olds MUST be toilet trained.
We reserve the right to deny admission to the school on any given day as it relates to issues such as health, attendance, tardiness, behavior, immunization records, custody, domestic situations, etc. We also reserve the right to remove a child from the program on a permanent basis due to the parent’s failure to abide by the policies of this program. Parents will not be reimbursed tuition for days when their child is refused admission to the program.

2024- 2025 Monthly Tuition Rates
Classes | Yearly | Monthly |
Two day 2’s | $3,250 | $325 |
Three day 2’s | $4,100 | $410 |
Three day 3’s | $3,950 | $395 |
Five day 3’s | $5,700 | $570 |
Five day 4’s (partially funded by VPK) | $370 | N/A |
Only ONE of the following is available per family for regular tuition, excluding Five day 4’s:
- 10% discount for siblings who are both paying tuition (percentage is taken off the lesser of the tuitions)
- 5% for registered parishioners who support our parish
- 5% for active Military (must provide proof)