Liturgical Ministries

Candle Ministry

In the lighting of the candles, we remember and truly live the words of Our Lord: “I am the Light of the World”. In the lighting of the candles, we not only pray, but our prayers become smaller symbols of the One Light of Christ. In burning candles, our prayers rise up to Heaven day […]

Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held on Mondays through Thursdays from 8:00am to 8:30pm and for 24 hours immediately following the Friday 7:30am Mass until the Saturday morning at 8:00am. We welcome all to participate in this beautiful devotion, as this is an important way to show gratitude and adoration to the Real Presence […]

Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick/ Nursing Homes

Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick take the Eucharist to those individuals who are sick and homebound, in nursing homes, and unable to attend Mass. You must be a compassionate individual who is good with the sick and dying.  The time commitment varies in home visitations.  We serve four nursing homes every Thursday or Friday morning […]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

As an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC), we have been called to minister to the People of God. We are called to minister at the pastor’s request in the absence of a sufficient number of priests and deacons the Body and Blood of Christ to God’s people. Our supporting role in the Liturgy is […]

Funeral Ministry

Members of this ministry assist in the planning and celebration of the funeral Mass and liturgical functions for the funeral and wake services. This ministry deals with families in one of their most difficult and trying times. The people involved in this ministry need to be kind and compassionate and capable of doing grief and […]

Mary Gant

Lay Associates of the Blessed Sacrament

The Lay Associates of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Paul are members of the Aggregation of the Blessed Sacrament.  We share in the charism of Saint Peter Julian Eymard by centering our lives on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist as lived and modeled by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament.  Associates commit themselves […]


When the Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself is speaking to his people, and Christ, present in his own word, is proclaiming the gospel. (USCCB) The Lector is the Lay Minister who proclaims the Word of God at all Sunday, Holy Day, and daily Masses as well as special liturgical events. All candidates […]

Music Ministries


The Sacristan is responsible for the physical needs at every Mass and other liturgical celebrations. We prepare the altar, sacred vessels, and sacristy as well as the Holy Oils, clean, wash, iron, sew vestments, and altar linens and set the books. This is a “servant’s” ministry. Anyone who is loyal and has Martha’s hands but […]

Tech Ministry (Music)

Our tech volunteers run the PowerPoint slides during the weekend masses. Great for teens needing service hours!

Mary Gant


We provide a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for those who come together to hear the Word of God and share the Eucharist. Our goals are to put people at ease, answer questions, assist in seating, secure a family to take up the “Gifts”, direct the procession of the assembly during the Communion Rite, and be […]