Religious Education & Adult Faith Formation

Apostles of the Eucharist (Young Adults)

Apostles of the Eucharist is a young adult group for ages 18 – 28 and all are welcome! We meet on Friday nights at St. Paul Catholic Church’s St. Michael Building. The focus of this group is the Eucharist and each Friday night meeting begins with Adoration.  After Adoration, there is time to grab something to […]

Baptism Preparation

Preparation of the parents and godparents who have requested the Sacrament of Baptism for their child is essential to help them understand the importance of this beautiful sacrament. Baptism classes are a prerequisite before having the child baptized. The time commitment would be approximately two hours on a Saturday morning once a month on a […]

Alexandra Munoz

Bible Study – English

The Catholic Life© Bible Study program meets September through April each year, examining the Books of Scripture. This study is open to all ages, genders, marital status, and faiths. Join us for this exciting journey into the mind and heart of Christ. Each class combines small group discussions with a 30-minute live lecture to complete the […]

Bible Study – Portuguese

ESTUDO BÍBLICO EM PORTUGUÊS Encontros: Sábados, das 5PM – 7PM, no sala Parish Center Room E.

Children’s Faith Formation

Through forming a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, elementary school-age children build a strong foundation for lifelong discipleship. As children mature, ongoing catechesis is needed to help them observe, explore, interpret, and judge their experiences; ascribe Christian meaning to their lives; and act according to the norms of faith and love. The truths of our faith should be presented […]

Jean Caillas

Children’s Liturgy of the World

We are currently seeking a volunteer to lead the Children’s Liturgy of the Word in English during Sunday morning Masses at 9:00am. If you are interested, please contact Carmen Cayon, Director of Faith Formation, at (813) 961-3023 or via email at

Carmen Cayon

Confirmation Preparation

What is Confirmation? Confirmation is the last Sacrament to complete a Catholics initiation into the Catholic faith. You are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and are strengthened to continue your journey within the faith! You must have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Holy Communion to receive this Sacrament. If you […]

Karen LeRette

Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ (CFC) is an International Ministry intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. It is an association of Christian couples who have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another, so that they may grow into maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of […]

Diálogo Matrimonial en Español (MDS)

Matrimonial Dialog in Spanish or MDS meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm in the Family Center. The purpose of this ministry is to provide support and guidance in the spiritual growth of couples and marriages. For Upcoming Dialog weekend dates and information or how to register for a weekend CLICK HERE. El proposito de nuestro grupo […]

Estudio Biblico en español

Misión/Propósito: Lograr captar la “Visión Panorámica” de la Biblia, desde la Creación hasta Hechos de los Apóstoles, un marco de enfoque Católico donde todo se une y las Escrituras cobran vida, mostrándonos el Plan Amoroso de Dios y como encajan nuestras vidas en ella.

Faith Formation Catechists

Do you enjoy working with children? Are you a good, active Catholic, who understands their faith as well as living your faith? We are always in need of catechists to help our children learn about their faith and to prepare them for the sacraments. Your commitment would be about 1.5 hours a week plus preparation time.

Carmen Cayon

Marriage Preparation

The Diocese of St. Petersburg calls for a six-month preparation period to enable the couple, with the Church’s help, to prepare spiritually for their wedding and more importantly, for their married life together. At least one member of the bridal couple must be a registered parishioner of St. Paul parish. Required paperwork needs to be […]

Maria Costa

RCIA – Adults

Through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), adults over the age of 18 years become members of the Church over a period of time. This conversion process, through a prayerful discernment of God’s will, culminates in the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation), or in the case of Baptized Christians, […]

Maria Costa

RCIA – Children

The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is adapted for youth older than 7 who are not baptized and/or older Catholic children who are baptized, but have not been catechized (instructed) or received First Communion. The RCIA process for children runs parallel to the adult process.

Carmen Cayon

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held for five consecutive days in the month of June each year. We need both adults and teens to help with the facilitation of the VBS program at St. Paul.

Carmen Cayon

Youth Ministry – High School

The High School Youth Ministry Program (Youth Group), at St. Paul Catholic Church, is for all teenagers who are in 9th thru 12th grade.  Activities usually take place in the Family Center immediately after the weekly 5:30pm LifeTeen Mass. 

Laura Wendt


Youth Ministry- Middle School

The Middle School Youth Ministry Program (Youth Group), at St. Paul Catholic Church, is for all children who are in 6th thru 8th grade. Select, special events are held throughout the year. Please check the parish bulletin periodically to see what our ministry is doing next!

Karen LeRette